Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome once again.

With a promising sounding remake on the way, I'm going to let you guys know about an over-the-top, original series of obscure horror movies called Night of The Demons.

Night of The Demons 1If you ever want to see the flat-out cheesiest, stupidest, most so-awful-it's-awesome movie, this is the one.

The local hot goth chick Angela is throwing a halloween party in a haunted house, and everyone there gets posessed by demons from hell...

And that's it. That is the whole plot of the movie. Deep!

Regardless of it's simple premise, this is an EXTREMELY enjoyable movie if you want to shut off your brain and absorb horrible acting and loads of gratuitous nudity and gore.

best part (tie): Angela dancing to the awesome Bauhaus song "Stigmata Martyr" and teleporting round the room/ Linnea Quigley posessed and eating a tube of lipstick with her nipple (yeah... you read that right).
worst part: the heroine of the story constantly whining "Jaaaay..." in a really annoying way.


Night of The Demons 2this one was actually really good. Most sequels to horror movies never live up to the original (we'll just ignore Pumpkinhead's sequels) but this one had pretty well done effects, and surprisingly good acting for a horror movie.

the plot regards a return to the house by a group of students at a catholic school, and the main character is Angela's Sister, named Mouse. She is having nightmarish visions of Angela returning to her, to return from the demon world.

All in all, i can never really decide if i like this one over the first. It's way less stupid than the first one, but it's much slower with a really anti-climactic ending. A worthy sequel in any way.

best part: Angela slaughtering a dance full of students at the end.
worst part: the most attractive of the female leads is the only one who doesn't get naked. It's a horror movie! She has to!


Night of The Demons 3to but it bluntly, this one fucking sucks.

The plot is a group of kids escape a shoot-out, thinking they killed a cop, and they hide out in Angela's house (well... kinda) and get killed off by her.

God this movie blows. I've watched this one TWICE compared to about 5 or 6 times with the other two. (The first time to watch it to complete the series, the second to see if it sucked shit as much as i remembered which it indeed does).

There really isn't anything redeeming about this movie, save for Amelia Kinkade looked phenomenal for her age and the wonders she can do with a pistol.

best part: the gunfight in the conveniance store.
worst part: everything else?


Oh, and by the way: the upcoming remake (October 9, 2009) has Edward Furlong and Shannon Elizabeth (Shannon Elizabeth is the new Angela!). That, and the fucking awesome band 45 Grave is doing the soundtrack. Can't wait for it.

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